Wickes Northampton

Wickes Northampton

Wickes Northampton

Wickes Northampton

Hartlebury Worcester

Hartlebury Worcester

Wickes Northampton

Wickes Northampton

We have fixed thousands of miles of partitioning.
Job Case – Derby City Hospital
We secured the largest dryling contract ever awarded in the UK at the new Derby City Hospital. Together, with our chosen plasterboard manufacturer, we developed new innovative partitioning systems to both meet the design critera and also create value engineering savings of over £250k.
Not only did our value engineering concepts save significant money off the top line, they also enabled closure of partitions (once all M&E services were installed), at twice the normal speed. This was achieved by creating a system that only required a single board to one of the partition sides. In addition this had great eco-friendly credentials, and at the same time the required acoustic and fire performances as specified by the Architect were still achieved.
At the height of the contract we had over 200 employees on site and were receiving several ‘A’ load plasterboard deliveries each day. The final contract value was in excess of £18 million.
Other partitioning systems
There are many partitioing systems on the market today, to suit all different environments. The dry-lined monolithic finish works well on walls and ceilings, in both domestic and commercial environments.
For the office, you have plenty of other options including demountable and moveable walls. The options are unlimited, glazed or part-glazed or frameless glass partitions, even curved glass.
PCI supply and fit all partition types.